Monday, February 16, 2015

My First Week of Classes and Sevice

Although the 3 week intensive course ended does not mean that I'm done for the semester. Instead this was only the beginning. My first week has already come and gone. It happened so fast and now I realized that my semester is slowly becoming shorter. EEEEEK!!!

The classes offered this semester were: Religion, Anthropology, The History of Italian Cuisine, Sociolinguistics, Studio Art, Advance Photography, and Art History.

My Class schedule consists of Italian, Art History, Religion, Anthropology. I am also in two classrooms: a fifth grade classroom and a middle school classroom where I teach English. I will also hopefully be helping clear the wall around the city. In this service you are essential clearing a path around the wall of the city because the city does not regulate this, but the vegetation needs to be cleared because it is starting to ruin the wall and erode away the stones. Plus in the center of the city there is this green space that is now privately owned so no can really go exploring there, but with this project you get to be outside in the grass near parts of the wall that you can't normally access. Eventually they will be creating a walking path that will be open to the public. I have already done this type of service in the beginning of the program when to was required for the whole school, but I really enjoyed it and would for sure do it again. Can't wait for what these service projects bring my way as far as learning and experiences. I also can't wait to see what this semester brings my way as I keep moving forward.

- Cori

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