Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reflection on the plane

The past couple days have made me realize that I am so self sufficent. I can do so much like use public transportation, speak Italian to get around, and navigate cities with only a little help from a map. I feel more like I can take on the world with my now extensive knowledge of how much I can get away with on airlines and what their restrictions are. I can plan things for myself and have become much more open to new people. Like last night for example. I became friends with the three people in my hostel room. I also realized that I know a lot more about Italy than I had expected. Of course I don't everything, but I was talking about the history of different places and nice places to see in Tuscany to my roommates. It was an interesting sensation to know my advice was appreciated.

Overall I feel like I have grown up even more than before. I feel like when I go home everything is going to either be the same or have changed dramatically. I don't think I will fit in again. People eventually get tired of hearing about your experiences because they didn't experience the growth. These feelings I have I can't explain in words. All I know is  that living in my monotonos routine of home is going to be hard. I am so not ready for reverse culture shock.

Don't get me wrong, I miss home. I have friends and family and an apartment waiting for me there, but I'm not ready to give up living life and learning all I can through experiences. I don't miss working and bills. I could do without the stress of studying and paying for college to maybe get a low paying job as a teacher. There is still so much see and experience.

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